This smart contract controls the time-delayed function of the Governance module.
The Timelock contract is a governance-controlled smart contract that facilitates secure, time-delayed upgrades to system parameters, logic, and contracts within the Onyx protocol. This contract ensures that all governance actions are transparent and auditable, preventing instantaneous or unauthorized modifications.
Key Features
Implements a time-delayed, opt-out upgrade pattern to enhance protocol security.
Enforces a minimum delay before any governance action can be executed.
Managed by the Onyx governance module, ensuring decentralized decision-making.
Supports governance transparency through pending and completed action tracking on the Timelock Dashboard.
Minimum Delay Periods
2 Days: The absolute minimum delay before a proposed governance action can be executed. This ensures that all protocol participants have time to review proposed changes.
14 Days: Major protocol upgrades, such as risk system modifications, may require an extended delay to allow for extensive review and feedback.
Governance Control and Monitoring
The Timelock contract is under the control of the governance module, meaning that only proposals approved through governance can be scheduled for execution.
All pending and executed governance actions are publicly accessible via the Timelock Dashboard, ensuring full transparency and accountability.
The contract follows a strict execution order, preventing unauthorized or out-of-sequence actions.
Security and Best Practices
Governance participants should actively monitor the Timelock Dashboard to stay informed about pending protocol changes.
Smart contract audits and community discussions should occur during the delay period to identify and mitigate potential risks.
Critical protocol changes should have extended timelock delays to ensure proper review and consensus.
By enforcing structured and time-sensitive execution, the Onyx Timelock contract enhances security, decentralization, and trust within the protocol’s governance system.
Last updated